Cascade Crossfires Newsletter #8

Dear Friends,

I hope that you have had a lovely holiday with friends and family and lots of food and laughter!

A big thank you to Stephen for filling in last week. I appreciate it!!! I heard there was a great review of Relay the Deucey. Thanks, my friend!

This coming Monday will be our Workshop Extravaganza. The Awesome Plus will be from 6:30-7:00 p.m. The Extravaganza will be from 7:00-9:00 p.m. We will have some fun dancing off a few of those extra calories we picked up this weekend.

In December, we will have two weeks of class (12/3 and 12/10) and then our Christmas Extravaganza (12/17). There will be NO CLASS on December 24 and December 31.

The Cascade Crossfires are hosting a Christmas Plus dance on Saturday, December 22 at the Juanita Community Club. I will be calling and Karen Neverdowski will be cueing. This is a Plus level dance. I will be calling only those calls that we know which by that time will be almost all of them. Invite your friends to come dance with you and show off your new Plus dancing skills!

Have a great rest of your weekend!

Happy dancing,

Week #8
8. (Anything) & Spread: Starting formation - Various.

This call can be used in three ways:
(1) If only some of the dancers are directed to Spread (e.g., from a static square, Heads Star Thru & Spread), they slide apart sideways to become ends, as the inactive dancers step forward between them.

(2) If the (Anything) call finishes in lines or waves (e.g., Follow Your Neighbor), the centers anticipate the Spread action by sliding apart sideways to become the new ends, while the original ends anticipate the Spread action by moving into the nearest center position.

(3) If the (Anything) call finishes in tandem couples (e.g., Wheel & Deal from a line of four), the lead dancers slide apart sideways, while the trailing dancers step forward between them.

(ANYTHING) & SPREAD – 2 steps

27. Dixie Grand: Starting formation - Dixie Grand Circle, Double Pass Thru, Quarter Tag, or any formation where at least two dancers can start.

Those who can, start the call by joining right hands with the facing dancer and pulling by. Each dancer moves ahead around the circle and gives a left hand to the next, pulling by, and a right hand to the next, pulling by. Regardless of the starting formation, as the movement progresses, the formation converts to a circle.

DIXIE GRAND – 6 steps

29. Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears: Starting formation - Ocean Waves (right-hand, for ease of description)

Start as in a normal Spin Chain the Gears - Ends and adjacent Centers turn 1/2, new Centers turn 3/4, while the Ends FLIP IN, and the very two Centers of the wave TRADE. All form two LEFT-HAND STARS (but before turning them, the out-facing Point should raise a hand, indicating "follow me" - they will be the "leaders of the exchange") and turn the STARS 3/4. Each “Leader of the exchange” (#1) leads those following them in their star (#2, #3 and #4) along a circular path around the outside of the other star (the “exchange”). When #1 has gone 3/4 around and #3 has gone 1/4 around, dancers #1 and #3 FLIP IN to join hands and become Centers of a wave while dancers #2 and #4 continue to move forward along the circular path to join their inside hand with the dancer ahead to become Ends of the wave. The call ends in waves with the same handedness and in the same location (facing side or head walls) as the original waves.